Elliott earns 100 percent voting record during the 2017 legislative session
December 7, 2017State Rep. Josh Elliott voted 417 times during the 2017 legislative session, earning him a 100 percent voting record. Elliott voted in favor of bills that strengthen current protections for pregnant and nursing women under the state's anti-discrimination law and allow municipalities to tap into a reserve of funding to purchase body and dashboard cameras for police cruisers.
What I'm fighting for
October 25, 2017During the 2017 regular legislative session, state Rep. Josh Elliott fought to build a more progressive future for Connecticut by advocating for legislation that implements new revenue and allows the state to remain competitive with the likes of Massachusetts and New York.
Highlights of the 2017 legislative session
June 22, 2017This legislative session, the Hamden delegation and I worked hard to strengthen the town’s greatest assets. We passed legislation that puts Hamden and Connecticut residents first and further supports businesses – both large and small.
Equal Pay Day
April 4, 2017Today, I spoke in favor of bills that call for pay equity in the workplace.
Supporting Nurses, Teachers, and Firefighters
March 23, 2017I spoke at a press conference today to condemn the 95 Appropriation Committee bills that threaten the wage and benefits of nurses, teachers, and firefighters.
Marijuana Public Hearing
March 20, 2017This Wednesday, March 22, the Judiciary Committee will be holding a public hearing on legalizing marijuana.
Town Hall Forum
March 15, 2017In the next few weeks, I will be holding a Town Hall Forum to gather input from you for this legislative session. My job as a state representative is to advocate on behalf of my constituents and support issues important to Hamden. With the proposed budget just released, it is especially important that I hear as much feedback as possible.
International Women's Day
March 8, 2017Wednesday marked International Women's Day, a day in which the world celebrated the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.