Local Updates and Weekly Happenings

April 28, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,
New London Basketball Team Celebration at Session
I had one of the great days I've had this week yesterday. I was able to honor the City of New London, Connecticut Championship Girls Basketball team, inviting them to the Capitol to present them with trophies. They had the chance to eat, meet and celebrate with the Championship UCONN Men's basketball team as they were also recognized yesterday.
Thank you to Governor Ned Lamont for meeting with our champions to congratulate them for their great success, especially being a team of seven players that took the win. Big big "Shout Out" and thanks to Coach Tammy Millsap and Assistant Coaches Jada Lucas, Coach Sawyer, and Coach Kendra.
Husky for Immigrants Press Conference
On Tuesday, we had a great press conference advocating for increased funding for Husky up to age 18. We had several and speakers that advocated for healthcare funding increase. Big "Shout Out" to our Intern Jhoselyn Diaz and CEC Arianna Tsikitas, who worked tirelessly to contact attendees and make it possible for us to advocate. I recognize them for their hardworking drive to help our office shine and succeed.
Thank you to speakers:
  • Senator Pat Billie Miller
  • Senator Matt Lesser
  • Representative Kate Farrar
  • Luis Luna, Coalition Manager, Husky 4 Immigrants
  • Rhina Ramos, CT Worker Center
  • Jackeline Soria, Make the Road CT
  • Reverend Joshua Mason Pawelek, Parish Minister, Unitarian Universalist Society
  • Constanza Segovia, Organizer, Harford Deportation Defense
Prayer Vigil in New London
Thank you to City Counilor Akil Peck for following his spirit and putting together a prayer vigil this week for the City of New London, Connecticut. I had the chance to take part along with many others in prayers and request for our community to come together to show and support. Thank you to all who came. Please continue to send prayers up for our community that may be grieving and/or struggling. God bless.
Citations for Elks Club Members
Last weekend I had the great opportunity to present citations with State Representative Kathleen McCarty to celebrate this years distinguished Elks Club members. These citations were for the Elk of the Year Dinner. Citations were issued by the Southeastern CT Legislative Delegation. Recipients were Andrew Giday, Kellie Graham & Thomas Debek.
Congratulations to them all. Thank you for the great things you do in the City of New London, Connecticut and Town of Waterford, CT.
Earth Day Celebration
Last weekend was Earth Day! City of New London, Connecticut New London Trees stopped by the house planting two trees. Thank you for beautifying our neighborhood.
New London Trees also planted trees in several other locations in New London. Thank you to the volunteers who not only helped with my trees but also scouted locations, selected trees, picked up trees, dug holes, spread compost, watered, and made labels for the new trees!
Contact New London Trees if you know of a place for a tree in New London. We will be planting again in the fall.
Distracted Driving
Please stay alert Distracted Driving Is A Real Problem
Distracted drivers often do not see the risk of their behavior until it’s too late. If your attention is anywhere other than the road, you are driving distracted and putting yourself and others at risk of a crash, injury, or death. We are all counting on each other to drive responsibly. Please Stay Focused!
Safe Futures
Are you safe? Safe Future is here to help
If you or someone you know feels unsafe, please contact the Safe Futures 24/7 Confidential Hotline at (860) 701-6001 or text CT Safe Connect at (888) 774-2900.
All services are free and confidential.
Safe Future serves all victims of abuse... no matter age, gender, orientation, socioeconomic status, or immigration status. Our client services are free and confidential, and you can remain anonymous.
If you or someone you know is in an abusive situation, please call the Safe Futures 24/7 Confidential Hotline at (860) 701-6001 to speak with an advocate and get help today.
State of Connecticut........City of New London, Connecticut
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me at my Capitol office at 860-240-8512 or email me at Anthony.Nolan@cga.ct.gov. Don't forget to "Like" my official Facebook page and follow me on Twitter for news and legislative updates.

Anthony Nolan
State Representative

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