No-Excuse Absentee Voting

May 11, 2023

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Dear Neighbor,
The House of Representative passed HJ 1 on Wednesday, which means you will get to decide if we amend the state constitution to allow no-excuse absentee voting.

Connecticut's rules for absentee voting are among the most restrictive in the U.S. and are enshrined in its constitution. A constitutional amendment is required to remove restrictions on absentee voting. 

Absentee voting works, which we saw during the COVID-19 pandemic in an effective and safe manner.

Voting is a fundamental American right. Eligible voters in Connecticut should have the freedom to choose how they vote whether it’s in-person on Election Day, in-person for two weeks prior to Election Day, which just passed the House last week, or by absentee ballot without needing to provide an excuse.


Fred Gee
State Representative
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