Fairfield Avenue Bridge Open Early, Under Budget

December 2, 2024

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Dear Neighbor,

I have some great news to share. The Fairfield Avenue Bridge, which was severely damaged during a fiery crash in May, has been rebuilt and is open ahead of its Spring of 2025 target date - and more than $3 million under budget. Please see the time lapse video showing crews working on the bridge between July I and November. I attended a press conference in Norwalk earlier today for the announcement.

I attended a press conference and ribbon-cutting ceremony for the newly reopened, 170-foot-long bridge with CT Department of Transportation Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto, and local officials and fellow lawmakers earlier today.

As always, feel free to call me at 1-800-842-8267 or email me at Travis.Simms@cga.ct.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Also, please like my official Facebook Page for regular updates.


Travis Simms
State Representative


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