Updates on the Electric Rate Increases

August 16, 2024

I am just as upset as you are about the recent rate hikes that have led to outrageous increases in our electric bills, and was absolutely stunned to learn of yet another Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) approved rate increase this week. This is a rapidly evolving issue, with more info coming to light every day, but please know I am actively working to find potential solutions to protect consumers, and have included details of my immediate steps as well as some potential long-term fixes.

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Special Session Update

July 28, 2024

I wanted to provide a brief update on the special session the Connecticut General Assembly held this week. While the formal legislative session ended last month, there were certain provisions that could not wait until next year to pass, so the House and Senate met for one day to put a new bill into law.

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The Facts About the Municipal Car Tax Cut

July 5, 2024

Last week, we went into special session to take an important step in the municipal car tax cut we passed in 2022. This next step was not new legislation, rather, it was a bill that the Planning and Development Committee worked on for two years, as a required step in the process of implementing the motor vehicle tax cut.

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Ridgefield to Recieve HVAC Grant Funding

May 20, 2024

There's some amazing news that was just announced for Ridgefield. Our school district is getting funding worth $191,454 that will go towards several projects for eight different schools. The funding comes through the indoor air quality program, or HVAC, to make sure our students can learn in the most healthy environments we can give them.

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Updates from the Busy Session

April 26, 2024

These days we are in the Capitol more than we are away from it. With less than two weeks remaining in the 2024 legislative session, we are deep into the process of amending and negotiating our bills, all while voting on legislation that is ready to roll. Currently I’m working with a number of agencies, advocates, the Governor’s office, and fellow legislators from both sides of the aisle to finalize some comprehensive transportation-related legislation.

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Updates Around Ridgefield

March 15, 2024

Lots still happening at the Capitol every day. We continue to attend public hearings and pass bills out of our committees. The days we aren’t in Hartford we are back in our districts, balancing legislative work with local events. This week I was happy to show my friend, State Comptroller Sean Scanlon, around our beautiful Main Street and, along with First Selectman Rudy Marconi, introduce him to many of our small business owners.

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