Dear Neighbor,
On March 8th, Connecticut had its first confirmed case of coronavirus. On March 9th, the Governor declared a state of Public Health and Civil Preparedness Emergencies. And our lives have been radically changed ever since.
However, my commitment to you and your family has not changed. We will get through this period, and I know our state will be stronger on the other side.
COVID-19 has hurt our economy and my focus going forward is working with businesses to bounce back and to create the jobs needed to get our economy back on track. This can’t be done in Connecticut alone, we have to have sound fiscal policy in concert with our federal partners to strengthen our economic position.
If you have any questions, concerns, or if I can be helpful to you in working with any state agency or understanding how any of our state laws or regulations can affect your work, our schools, or your opportunities, please call or email me anytime.
I know that working with state agencies and our partners can be complicated. My office is here to help. Call or email me anytime, and I promise I will get you help.
Pat Boyd
Coronavirus Resources
For the most up to date information please visit: portal.ct.gov/coronavirus
The CDC and Governor Lamont are continuing to require individuals wear masks in public when you are unable to “social distance” more than 6 feet away from others.
If you are out of work, you have the right to file for unemployment insurance. Visit www.FileCTUI.com to file your claim or call: 860-263-6975, 203-455-2653, 860-263-6974 or 203-455-2650.
If you are a business owner, the Department of Economic and Community Development is developing and updating guidelines on safe ways to operate your business: business.ct.gov/Recovery. They have also opened a small business hotline: 860-500-2333
Before reopening, your business must certify it is following the state’s safety guidelines. Self-certify at service.ct.gov/recovery.
If your business or nonprofit needs assistance sourcing personal protective equipment, DECD has compiled a list of locally-based companies that can provide these supplies at competitive prices. Visit portal.ct.gov/coronavirus/pages/PPE to learn more about procuring PPE
If you are a farmer or agricultural worker who has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are resources to help you. Visit www.ct.gov/doag for information about these options.
The federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act contains several provisions to help our state’s agricultural industry. This includes the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program, which are both accessible to farmers. Visit www.sba.gov to learn more.
If you notice a business not operating in a safe manner, call 2-1-1.
If you are having trouble paying your residential mortgage or rent, we have worked with banks and landlords to provide you additional time to put together payments. For more information on these programs, visit: portal.ct.gov/coronavirus/information-for/homeowners-and-renters.
In addition, we have worked with the federal delegation and the Governor’s office to develop and fund several smaller assistance programs ranging from funding for artists to farmers, to helping our schools deal with unexpected expenditures. For more on these, please visit my website: www.housedems.ct.gov/Boyd.
Advocating For You During this Time
This has been a remarkably challenging time for all of us. My office has worked with many of you to fix issues with unemployment applications, help businesses apply for financial aid, and work with the DMV to get cars registered. I know that it is during these challenging times when we need government help and services the most. If there are more ways that we can make state government work better for you, please let me know.
The Legislative Session That Wasn’t
When we began this year’s legislative session on February 5th, I expected to be working on many of the issues that you all have prioritized for me including reducing the cost of health insurance, making it easier to exercise your right to vote, and bringing back more support for our schools.
One of the few votes we took this year in the House of Representatives was for the bond act that contained funds for workforce development and transportation improvements, as well as town aid municipal grants and money for local capital improvement projects.
As a member of the Children's and Public Safety and Security Committees, and House vice-chair of the Veterans' Affairs Committee, I was deeply involved in legislation that enhances the quality of life for our residents.
I was proud to pick up unfinished work from the 2019 session to advocate for a bill that sought to expand workers' compensation benefits for PTSD to EMS personnel, state Department of Correction employees and dispatchers.
After receiving numerous claims of damaged pipes and contaminated water sources from constituents, I co-sponsored a bill that would create a training program for road salt applicators to mitigate the effect of sodium chloride contamination of private and public water supplies.
Although the 2020 session was cut short and the General Assembly did not vote on these bills, we plan to continue our work now and through any special session of the legislature this summer or fall, and into next year.
Where Do We Go From Here?
While we continue to be guided by public health experts on the steps we need to take to safely “reopen”, we also have an opportunity to build a stronger and more robust state. We are working to ensure hospitals and health care providers such as nursing homes have adequate stock of personal protective equipment, and with farmers and food banks to protect and localize our food supply chain. Phase 3 is anticipated to start in mid-July, contingent upon meeting public health milestones.
Phase 3 of Connecticut’s Reopening Plan - Effective mid-July
(date to be determined):
- Indoor private gatherings – 50 people
- Outdoor private gatherings (including graduations) – 250 people
- Outdoor organized gatherings (e.g. fireworks, concerts in parks) with 15 feet of space blanket to blanket, no capacity limit
- Outdoor event venues (e.g. amphitheaters, race tracks) – 50% of fire capacity and distancing
- Bars are allowed to reopen