Home Heating Assistance
September 5, 2017Now is the time to start thinking about applying for heating assistance. We are only a month or so away from cold weather. If you are eligible for home heating assistance, this program is here to help you and your family stay warm.
Funding for the state’s home heating assistance program was approved today during a joint hearing of the legislature’s Appropriations, Human Services and Energy & Technology Committees.
Basic Benefit awards are determined based on income, household size, vulnerability (eg. families with children or seniors) and liquid assets. Vulnerable households and households with the lowest incomes receive the highest awards.
The Department of Social Services and the Community Action Agencies will work in conjunction with local governments, private human services providers and the General Assembly to assist Connecticut residents who are CEAP-eligible in maximizing potential energy assistance options.
While President Trump has proposed eliminating funding for this crucial assistance program, it is my hope that Congress will act favorably on behalf of the millions of people across the country who need help and may be in danger of losing their heating this winter.
Those seeking heating assistance should call 2-1-1 or visit www.ct.gov/staywarm .