Stamford Vaccine Update

January 21, 2021

The State of Connecticut is expecting about 45,000 COVID-19 vaccine doses on a weekly basis from the federal government. We now know that the State will be taking a tiered approach in Phase 1B as we work to vaccinate the nearly 1.4 million people in the recently updated Phase 1B category.

Stamford's Department of Health is collecting contact information from individuals 75 years or older to sign them up to get vaccinated in Stamford. Qualifying residents must sign up to get vaccinated in Stamford by filling out this online form. 

Please note vaccination signups ARE NOT "first come, first serve". Caregivers or family members can fill out this form on someone else's behalf. All information must be accurate and truthful. 

If you or a family member have limited technology access, or have language, disability, or other barriers that could prevent online option use, please schedule by phone by calling the CT COVID Vaccine Appointment Assist Line at 877-918-2224. The line will take calls on Mondays through Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and will offer a call-back option when all contact specialists are busy serving other callers. The team will aim to return calls as soon as possible, with the goal of same-day response.

Vaccine Sign-up

Vaccine Notification Sign-up 

Vaccine Stamford Sign-up

The Department of Public Health will prioritize vaccination appointments based on the risk of adverse health outcomes from the virus. Vaccinations will be implemented equitably with distribution focused in areas where residents and communities have barriers to access and care.
More information about the definitions of frontline essential workers and the list of eligible underlying medical conditions will be made available in the next several weeks.
For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 vaccination distribution plans in Connecticut, visit call 877-918-2224 for assistance if you are 75 or older.

Vaccine Phase 1b

As always, don't hesitate to contact me at the Capitol at 860-240-8585 or email me at  Don't forget to like my Official Facebook Page for news and legislative updates!