The deadline for the General Assembly’s Newington Youth Essay Contest has been extended to April 15th!
The General Assembly’s Newington Youth Essay Contest:
Elementary and Middle school students
Middle School Topic: What law can Connecticut create to improve its efforts towards equality? (Ex. Public Ed, Public Health, Environmental Justice) Elementary School Topic: If you could create any new law in the state of CT to improve your community, what would it be?
- Open to any Newington resident in elementary school or middle school
- All essays may be submitted through email to
- One entry per student
** While we understand parental assistance may be necessary for some spelling and grammar, we ask that each student actively brainstorms and crafts their own response.
There will be 1 elementary school winner and 1 middle school winner. Each of these students will receive an Official recognition from State of Connecticut and a personal tour and lunch at the capital (after COVID).
- 12 pt. Font
- Times New Roman
- Double Spaced, 1 in. Margins
- Name, School, and Grade written in top left corner
- Title: Creative name for your law Elementary school: 1 page max, any length under 1 page will be considered Middle school: 2 pages max, any length under 1 page will be considered
This contest will allow Newington students to learn more about the CT government and critically analyze how legislation can improve our community. I can't wait to read the creative proposals developed by our youth!