Earned Income Tax Credit & Hurricane Season

August 19, 2021
This session I worked alongside my colleagues to pass a bipartisan budget which did not raise taxes, and focused on putting more money in the pockets of hard-working Connecticut families through increased tax credits. 

Under the newly enacted budget, the Earned Income Tax Credit increased from 23% to 30.5%. 

The Connecticut Earned Income Tax Credit is a refundable state income tax credit for working individuals and families. Qualifying Connecticut workers can now deduct 30.5% of their earned income from their annual state taxes. To qualify, individuals must have an adjusted gross income that is less than:

  • $51,464 ($57,414 married filing jointly) with 3 or more qualifying children;
  • $47,915 ($53,865 married filing jointly) with 2 qualifying children;
  • $42,158 ($48,108 married filing jointly) with 1 qualifying child; or
  • $15,980 ($21,920 married filing jointly) with no qualifying children.

This increase will result in an additional $40 million delivered to the nearly 195,000 eligible households to assist with necessary expenses such as groceries, transportation, housing and more. 
I am proud that our state budget supports the working families and residents across the state who were impacted most by the pandemic. 

Peak Hurricane Season


Peak hurricane season in Connecticut begins in mid-August and runs through mid-October.


Being prepared for inclement for emergency weather can help keep you and your loved ones safe, organized and informed during a weather emergency. 


What simple steps can you take today?

United Way of Connecticut 211 is a gateway to services related to emergency/disaster response and recovery as well as a statewide resource for emergency-related information collection and dissemination. In the event of a weather emergency, visit www.211ct.org or dial 211 from anywhere in the state for up-to-date information about emergency shelters and storm relief resources in your community.


211 also maintains several eLibrary papers that can help you get prepared and stay informed including: How to Prepare and Safely Weather a Hurricane/Tornado, and How to Prepare and Safely Weather a Flood.