CT Votes for Animals

August 19, 2021
Below is a message from the organization, CT Votes for Animals. This group provides a voice for animals, who cannot speak up for themselves. Subscribe to their newsletters here. 
CVA has kicked off a sixteen-month strategic plan to guide the organization’s activities from now through December 2022. The plan furthers CVA’s goal to increase awareness and advocate for public policy change around the rights, well-being and protection of all animals in CT. It’s going to be a busy time and CVA will be seeking your help to realize the success of these programs. More details are on the way, but to whet your appetite, here’s what’s on the drawing board:
Our Plans

Be a Good Samaritan

We all know the dangers of leaving pets alone in the car – especially during the sweltering “dog days” of summer. But did you know that if you see an animal in distress, you can do something about it without fear of recrimination? CT’s “Good Samaritan Law” offers protections to anyone removing an animal from a car if the animal is in “imminent danger of serious bodily injury.” The law was passed in 2018 with CVA’s support.

A Refuge at JP Farm Animal Sanctuary 

Nestled in the bucolic hills of Litchfield, CT and hidden away down a long driveway, is the tranquil, wooded setting of the JP Farm Animal Sanctuary, home to several rescued cows, chickens, pigs, two people-loving turkeys and the home of Oscar Janssen and Lynn Printy, the “J” and “P” of the JP Farm Animal Sanctuary.

Oscar Janssen, a private corporate jet pilot and Lynn Printy, a flight attendant for the same corporation, long interested in companion animal rescue, became intrigued with the Scottish Highland cow, a small cow with a thick, shaggy coat and prominent horns.  After researching the diet and care of this unique breed, the Scottish Highland cow seemed like the perfect animal to begin their dream of opening a farm animal rescue program on their property in Newtown.

As we become aware of the suffering of millions of farmed animals, we had an opportunity to make a difference for them; we can all make kind choices.” -- Lynn Printy, JP Farm Animal Sanctuary

After locating a Scottish Highland breeding farm in eastern Connecticut, Oscar and Lynn began visiting the farm to learn more about the breed.  On one of their frequent trips, they noticed one of the cows that had recently calved appeared sickly, had a large gash on her side and was clearly too weak to nurse.  When Oscar asked if the farmer had called the vet, he told them she could no longer be bred.  Realizing the that the farmer did not intend to treat her, Oscar asked if he could pay for the vet expenses; the farmer not only agreed but asked if the couple would be interested in adopting her. The couple eagerly agreed to adopt her as soon as she was physically able to travel.  They also decided to adopt her son and - and another cow mom and her son.

Read more on our website

Fresh Faces on the CVA Board

As part of our growth and outreach strategy, CVA is expanding its Board of Directors and Advisory Council, bringing new perspectives, ideas, and expertise to the organization. Current board member Andrea Dobras is assuming the role of president while Jessica Rubin is on leave.

Storkman' Screening

After many months of no events, CVA is happy to be "on the road" again promoting our message about the need for better laws to protect animals in CT. The screening of the documentary "Storkman" was sponsored by Compassionfest and the New Haven Documentary Film Festival.