Unused Medication Drop off & A Message from The Hub

October 26, 2021
The Stamford Police Department is hosting an Unused and Unwanted Medications Drop-off on Saturday, October 23rd from 10 am– 2pm. The Stamford Police Department located at 725 Bedford St. The event is free, anonymous and an environmentally safe way to disposed of unwanted and unused medications. No liquids or needles will be accepted.
Below is a message from The Hub:

It's ADHD Awareness Month!
This year’s theme for ADHD Awareness Month is "Reframing ADHD: Discovering New Perspectives."

There are many myths surrounding ADHD that can be harmful and continue to perpetuate the stigma surrounding the disorder.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurological disorder that affects about 5.29% of children and 2.8-4.4% of adults. It is diagnosed as one of these three types:

  1. Inattentive Type
  2. Hyperactive/Impulsive Type
  3. Combined Type

Most of the common symptoms of ADHD, like difficulty remaining still for long periods of time, high activity levels, and limited attention spans, are common with all young children. The difference in children diagnosed with ADHD is that these symptoms are noticeably greater than expected for their age, cause distress, and/or cause problems functioning at home, at school, or with friends. While ADHD does present challenges, there are resources, skills, and strategies to help overcome these challenges.

My Life With ADHD - Turning Point CT

When people think of ADHD they think of someone who is hyper, bouncing off the walls and just doesn't stop talking. They think of the fact they take "stimulants" to be able to function or that they seem just lazy for not paying attention enough....

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Wellness Month Continues
One of the ways to improve your emotional wellness is to learn how to regulate your emotions. Here are some strategies to help you.
Learn to Control your emotions so they don't control you.

Knowing how to regulate your emotions is important for everyone, whether or not you have BPD. But what is emotion regulation, and how can you improve your emotion regulation skills?

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