March is Women's History Month

March 2, 2022

Since 1987, the month of March has been recognized as National Women's History Month. This offers us all the opportunity to recognize and reflect on how women in our personal lives and throughout history have impacted us individually and collectively.

From science to art and politics to sports, yesterday's trailblazers organized, lobbied, marched, and shattered barriers so that generations of women could dream and achieve.
Throughout history, women have provided healing and fostered hope, and they've played an integral role in our country's development.
As we acknowledge everything women have accomplished, we must also recognize the obstacles they still encounter today, in 2022, and think critically about how we can be part of the solution.
Over the past few years, the Connecticut General Assembly has passed legislation that works to close the gender pay gap, encourage more women to run for office, address gender-based discrimination in the workplace and schools, and expand access to women's health care services.
This month, and every month after, let's celebrate women's history and the incredible women in our own lives.