Sandy Hook 10th Anniversary

December 14, 2022


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Sandy Hook 10th Anniversary

Dec. 14, 2022 
Charlotte Bacon, 6

Daniel Barden, 7

Olivia Engel, 6

Josephine Gay, 7

Dylan Hockley, 6

Madeleine Hsu, 6

Catherine Hubbard, 6

Chase Kowalski, 7

Jesse Lewis, 6

Ana Marquez-Greene, 6

James Mattioli, 6

Grace McDonnell, 7
Emilie Parker, 6

Jack Pinto, 6

Noah Pozner, 6

Caroline Previdi, 6

Jessica Rekos, 6

Avielle Richman, 6

Lauren Rousseau, 30

Mary Sherlach, 56

Victoria Soto, 27

Anne Marie Murphy, 52

Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, 47

Rachel D’Avino, 29

Dear Neighbor, 

Today, "thoughts and prayers" aren't enough. They never are. Along with being mindful all day today of this agonizing "anniversary," I recommit myself to fighting gun violence. I renew my promise -- my obligation -- to help pass the strictest gun safety laws possible. As a legislator, I do this in the name of every person who died needlessly by gun violence -- especially the children and teachers of Sandy Hook. 


And, anticipating criticism, I urge everyone -- those who own guns and those who do not -- to actually read the Second Amendment, which was written long before high capacity magazines were invented and was never intended to circumvent the sensible regulation of guns.  

And, preemptively I ask: why so silent whenever there is a mass murder? Where is your outrage? Where are your suggestions to help end this American sickness? Where is your compromise? And it's not an "either/or" with gun regulation and mental health. Developed nations around the world are filled with people with mental health issues. And yet, 87 percent of children who die from gun violence are American kids

Thoughts? Prayers? 

Please feel free to contact me by email at with any questions or concerns.


Christine Palm

State Representative


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