Support for New Affordable Housing Units

March 28, 2023

Stamford is getting a major boost to the economy with the announcement of 39 new affordable housing units thanks to a state grant. We need to provide a lifeline to the homeless and others who are struggling to make ends meet.
I was invited to join my fellow state representatives and Governor Ned Lamont for the press conference, but I was busy with other government work at the time. It’s been an absolute pleasure to take part in the homeless count every year. I take pride in getting funding for food, infrastructure, and other support for our most vulnerable.


These new housing units will be in a four-story building on Stillwater Avenue with a mix of one, two, and three bedroom units to serve individuals and their families. The ground floor will include offices for the Pacific House Shelter, where it plans to provide case management services.


I am grateful for the work the Pacific House Shelter and our Delegation are doing for our homeless population in Stamford. Despite this big investment, we must keep taking more proactive steps to help the homeless.