Center For Genome Analysis

May 5, 2017

As Co-Chair of the Bioscience Caucus and House Chair of the Public Health Committee, I fought hard for funding for stem cell research resulting in $6 million to Yale in the next Bond Commission meeting. The Yale School of Medicine has partnered with Yale New Haven Hospital in opening a center for genome analysis on Yale’s West Campus.

This center is a great addition and will continue to advance research on genetically tailored treatment and prevention options for patients. Being able to sequence a patient’s unique genome offers unprecedented tools for healthcare professionals that were previously only in the realm of science fiction.

I had the pleasure of attending the center opening ribbon cutting ceremony and look forward to all of the important work that will be carried out to benefit all. Connecticut is committed to becoming a world leader in genomic research and innovations in precision medicine which is leading to new businesses and a range of new, well-paying jobs.

If you are interested in more details, please read this Related Article.