Open Enrollment for Access Health CT Insurance
November 20, 2024Connecticut has one of the best health insurance marketplaces in the country. Now is the time to make sure you and your family are covered for your healthcare needs! Free help to sign up is available online, in person, and over the phone. Go to and click "Get Help" or call 1-855-805-4325.
December 2 Deadline for Hartford Flood Compensation Program
November 14, 2024State Comptroller Sean Scanlon announced that December 2 will be the application deadline for anyone interested in the Hartford Flood Relief and Compensation Program.
State Park Improvements
November 13, 2024The state recently allocated $30 million toward much-needed infrastructure repairs and improvements to our state parks and forests.
November is Heating Assistance Awareness Month
November 6, 2024November marks the fourth annual Heating Assistance Awareness Month to raise awareness of the many programs available to help pay or lower your heating bills.
If you or someone you know is struggling to keep up with energy bills, now is the time to connect with Eversource to get assistance.
United Way of Connecticut: Get Your Refund CT
October 23, 2024Many families in Connecticut are owed Earned Income and Child Tax Credits – cash benefits that can bring in more than $6,000 a year – and they may not even realize it. 45,000 Connecticut families haven't claimed federal COVID-era tax benefits they are owed.
The United Way of Connecticut and its trusted partners will help you get the money you're owed.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month & Domestic Violence Awareness Month
October 9, 2024All year round, but particularly this month, together let’s bring attention to and raise awareness about the tragedy caused by breast cancer and domestic violence.
OMW Community Health & Wellness Fair on Saturday
October 3, 2024The 14th Annual Ollie M. Williams Community Health & Wellness Fair takes place SATURDAY from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Milner Middle Academy on Tower Avenue.
New Laws Effective October 1
October 2, 2024A variety of new state laws that were passed by the Connecticut General Assembly during the 2024 legislative session went into effect on October 1.