Rep. Boyd Calls Upon Utility Regulators to Prohibit Eversource From Recovering Millions in Costs Related to Tropical Storm Isaias From Ratepayers
March 3, 2021State Rep. Pat Boyd recently penned a letter urging the Public Utility Regulatory Authority to prohibit Eversource from recovering costs associated with Tropical Storm Isaias.
Rep. Boyd, Moderate House Democrats Urge Fiscal Restraint
February 4, 2021"In 2017 Democrats and Republicans came together to implement a Spending Cap, a Bonding Cap, and Volatility Cap. We must continue to get our fiscal house in order to position Connecticut for future success," said State Rep. Pat Boyd.
Rep. Boyd Named House Chair of Veterans Affairs Committee
December 4, 2020Speaker of the House-designate Matt Ritter and House Majority Leader Jason Rojas have tapped State Representative Pat Boyd to serve as House Chair of the legislature's Committee on Veterans' Affairs for the 2021 legislative session which convenes January 6, 2021.
Drought Assistance for Farmers
October 26, 2020All eight counties in Connecticut have received federal disaster declarations due to ongoing drought that has negatively impacted the state's farming industry. The declaration allows farmers who suffered qualifying farm-related losses caused by the designated disaster to apply for assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency (FSA).
Milling, Resurfacing Project on Route 44 in Pomfret Begins Monday, October 26
October 20, 2020The Connecticut Department of Transportation will begin milling and resurfacing a 0.79-mile segment of Route 44 in Pomfret.
PURA Schedules Hearing on Eversource Rate Increase
August 12, 2020You have the opportunity to express your opinion on the recent rate increase by Eversource. The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority has announced a hearing is scheduled for Monday, August 24 to conduct a review of Eversource to determine if the utility is benefiting from increased revenues at ratepayer expense.
Addressing Rising Energy Costs
July 29, 2020After hearing an outcry from customers and constituents on the recent rising energy costs, the Energy and Technology Committee and bi-partisan legislative leaders issued a communication to the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) requesting suspension of the July 1 delivery rate increase and related charges.
Road Milling and Resurfacing Project in Pomfret to Begin July 13
July 7, 2020The Connecticut Department of Transportation will begin a milling and resurfacing project of Route 97 and SR 644 (Murdoch Road) in Pomfret.