Mid-Winter Session Update

March 1, 2022

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Dear Neighbor, 
The 2022 Legislative Session is underway. This is what is known as the “short” Session and runs for approximately 12 weeks concluding in May. While proposed legislation is centered around budget adjustments to the second year of the biennium State budget, often other issues are considered.
Throughout the Session, I am available to answer any questions that you may have. Please feel free to reach out to me at pat.boyd@cga.ct.gov or by phone at 860-240-8370 at any point during the Session.

Eastford's Scramble the Duck II says 6 more weeks of winter

I joined Senator Champagne and an enthusiastic crowd in Eastford on Duck Day to hear Scramble proclaim that we have six more weeks of winter. This is a great local tradition and although I did not agree with the outcome, I enjoyed participating in this annual event. 

2022 Fishing Licenses and other Updates from the DEEP Fisheries Division 

Fishing licenses for the 2022 season are now available! Visit the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's website to get started. Did you know 100% of license fees go to DEEP to conserve and enhance our state's fish and wildlife? 

For information about applying for a fishing license and more, click here.

If you ever have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to contact my office at (860) 240-8370 or email me at Pat.Boyd@cga.ct.gov. To stay up to date with my work at the Capitol, visit my web page or like my Facebook page.


Pat Boyd


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