Today I got my flu shot at a clinic held by the Chesprocott Health District. I encourage everyone to consider getting a flu shot this season to protect themselves and their family.

I hosted a car seat safety check with the Cheshire Police Department and AAA, just in time for CT's changing car seat laws.

I visited local manufacturer Industrial Heater Corp/Hi-Tech Fabrication in Cheshire recently to tour the facilities and discuss efforts to support the growth of Connecticut’s manufacturing industry.

Wilfredo and Natalie, a toolmaker apprentice and intern, respectively, from EDAC Technologies

Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz talks to a representative from Bridgeport Fittings

Rep. Geraldo Reyes and Maxine Fox of Allnex
"The great thing about manufacturing is that there are so many opportunities for growth. I'm really excited to see so many girls at the fair interested in manufacturing. If you could do this annually it would be a great opportunity for students - you have to do this again!" - Maxine Fox

Rep. Liz Linehan, Rep. Geraldo Reyes, and Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz talk with Jeff Hughes of EDAC Technologies (far left)

Rep. Linehan chats with a representative from United Steel

United Steel, a fabricator and erector of structural steel and miscellaneous metals

Rep. Linehan speaks to representatives from Becton Dickinson, a global medical technology company

"I met more students today than I would in a year of going to schools myself." - Alicia Jacobsen, Hobson Motzer

Jeff Hughes of EDAC Technologies in Cheshire speaks to students
"The turnout was exceptional. The technical schools are truly recognizing the opportunities that exist for their students, and I appreciate them bringing the students in to meet with us today. The fair really cut down on the time it takes to get in front of students and talk about our work." - Jeff Hughes

Rep. Geraldo Reyes at the Fair

Tyler Scott of the Eastern Advanced Manufacturing Alliance (EAMA) shows students a map of manufacturers within the Alliance

Students speak with a Department of Labor representative about apprenticeship programs

Students speak with Tim McHenry, Director of Quality and Metallurgy at Consolidated Industries
“It was great to see so many young students interested in technology. There’s such a demand for workers with a strong math and science background – we can’t get enough of them.” - Tim McHenry

Students speak with a representative from Aptar, a global dispensing systems company

Students speak to representatives from EDAC Technologies

With Rep. Cathy Abercrombie, Logan Gibbons, and the Gibbons family. The Gibbons family of Southington came to the Capitol to testify in favor of my bill to create a state-wide police training program on children with autism.

The House passed my bill to create a state-wide police training program on children with autism with bipartisan support! It now goes to the Senate.

Recently I attended a press conference in support of Connecticut hospitals along with the CT Hospitals Association.

Today I spoke at a press conference in support of Senate Bill 586, which would preserve women's access to reproductive healthcare services.

I'm honored to have been appointed Vice Chair of the Veterans' Affairs Committee. I will do everything I can to provide our veterans the support and resources they need.