Turco Talk Time - Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April 16, 2019

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and to talk about this issue I was joined by Sarah Gallardo who has been a champion in creating programs that address and help victims of abuse and sexual assault. Thank you to Sarah and to find out about events and ways to help, visit Connecticut Alliance to End Sexual Violence on Facebook.

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CHESLA Scholarship And Loans Program

April 5, 2019

For many, college costs can be overwhelming and if students are unaware of available resources, searching for loans, grants and scholarships can be a daunting task. Follow this link for information on the CHESLA program.

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Turco Talk Time - People With Disabilities

April 3, 2019

People with disabilities are a particularly vulnerable segment of the population – in this Turco Talk Time video I am joined by Executive Director Kathy Flaherty of the CT Legal Rights Project to talk about the work being done to make sure people with disabilities are properly represented in our policy decisions.

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Turco Talk Time - Breast Screening Coverage

March 20, 2019

I had a great time recording my first “Turco Talk Time” video in Newington with breast cancer prevention advocate and Newington resident, Jan Kritzman. Jan is a very knowledgeable and committed advocate on the issue of health insurance coverage for ultrasounds for women with dense breast tissue.

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Reading To Students At Elizabeth Green School

March 19, 2019

It was wonderful reading to all the 3rd-grade class students at Elizabeth Green Elementary School this week. They are a very smart bunch with lots of ideas already to improve state policies, including raising the smoking age to 80!

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