Workers' Compensation for Essential Workers During COVID-19

July 28, 2020

In the early days of the pandemic, personal protective equipment was in short supply and many workplaces did not have the current systems and protections in place to minimize transmission of coronavirus and keep workers safe, causing them to become sick. If workers did file for workers' compensation many were denied.

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DMV Extends Deadlines for Residents with Expiring Credentials

July 27, 2020

The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles today announced that it has added to its list of extended deadlines for residents with expiring credentials. Eligible DMV credentials that expire between August 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020 are automatically covered by this extension.

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Current Events on Let's Talk About It

July 24, 2020

We were pleased to have UConn English Professor and Director of American Studies on Let's Talk About It to discuss his book, "Haunted by Hitler: Liberals, the Left, and the Fight Against Fascism in the United States," and current events.

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Healthcare Reform Bills Pass House

July 23, 2020

Two health care reform bills designed to cap the monthly cost of diabetes treatment and expand Telehealth services were passed in the House of Representatives. Both bills seek to improve health care for Connecticut residents due to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

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House Passes Absentee Voting Bill

July 23, 2020

Today we took a major step toward ensuring a safe voting experience in November.

The House passed, by a vote of 144-2, a bill that allows for absentee ballot voting to ensure safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Let's Talk About Different Types of Cars

July 18, 2020

On this week's episode of Let's Talk About It Denny Gates from Columbia Ford joined Dennis and me to discuss the car industry during COVID-19 and how electric and hybrid car technology has evolved.

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The Benefits of Public Banking

July 10, 2020

During the July 10 episode of "Let's Talk About It" we were pleased to have on Matt Macunas of the Connecticut Green Bank, Ellen Brown, Chair and Co-Founder of the Public Banking Institute, Walt McRee Chair Emeritus and Co-Founder of the Public Banking Institute, and Jayuan Carter and Justin Good of Public Bank Connecticut. This was a great discussion on how a Connecticut infrastructure bank could help reduce the cost of infrastructure renovations and how public banking can benefit our communities and state.

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