Medicare Enrollment is Under Way!
October 21, 2019Medicare Open Enrollment for 2020 is now under way. Through December 7 you can evaluate your options for Medicare and determine what coverage will meet your needs in the upcoming year. Please note that if you are currently on Medicare and prefer to stay with your existing coverage you don't have to do anything.
Municipal Elections are November 5
October 17, 2019Municipal elections in Brooklyn, Eastford, Pomfret and Woodstock will be held Tuesday, November 5, and I wanted to remind you to register to vote and participate in the upcoming elections!
EEE Testing in Northeastern Connecticut
September 9, 2019I have been in communication with Sue Starkey the Director the Northeast District Department of Health and Philip M. Armstrong, ScD at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station regarding the mosquito testing practices of the State and in our region.
Updates from May
May 17, 2019Just some updates from my work at the Capitol including my end of Session thoughts, a great event to support veterans, and more!
Updates from April
April 26, 2019Just some updates from my work at the Capitol including great news for Northeastern CT, an upcoming Community Conversation, and more!
One Step Closer to Early Voting in CT
April 25, 2019The House took action approving a resolution that would include a ballot question to amend the State Constitution to allow for an in-person early voting system. Once the resolution gets final legislative approval, the question will appear on the November 2020 ballot for voters to decide if Connecticut should implement it.
Updates from March
March 22, 2019Just some updates from my work at the Capitol including a visit from Union School, Ag Day, and more!
One Month into the 2019 Session
February 8, 2019We have been in Session for a month now and committees are starting to hold public hearings on proposed legislation. If you go to the website, you may view the calendar to follow and learn how to engage in the debate.